23. Restoring a M44 Sportco Target Rifle

24. Restoring a Lee Enfield No1 MkIII*

25. Barrel final finish system

26. Upgrading a Lee Enfield No4

27. M17S Bushmaster

28. Building a Target Rifle

29. Lithgow M24 Rifle (new)


1.  How to choose a classic military rifle

2.  Mauser 201 Collection

3.  Mauser 105 S/A Rifle

4.  Mauser 107 Rifle

5.  Mauser Mm410B

6.  Mauser Ms420 Rifle

7. Musgrave .22 Rifle

8. Upgrading AIA M10A1

9. Restoring a Carcano 1891

10. Krico 302

11. Mauser 66

12. Savage 340

13. MAS 36 Rifle

14. BSA Martini No 6

15. Barnett Ten-X Target Rifle

16. Barnett Ten-X Picture Library

17. K31 Schmidt Rubin

18. Dutch Steyr 1895 Carbine

19. Restoring a Lee Enfield No5Mk1

20. Kongsberg M393

21. MAS 36/51 Rifle

Fully qualified Armourer with a passion

Our statement above is what typify’s Thames Valley Guns and we are learning all the time. Learning about a rifle is about stripping it down, finding out what makes it tick, looking at its design features, capabilities, reliability, accuracy, history and manufacturing standards.

To maintain and record this information, we have produced  a set of Armourers reports. These notes are the results of my personal inspection and testing of these firearms. Some rifles are new but many can be anything up to a hundred years old, therefore these notes reflect my personal opinion and any reliance you place upon such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. These notes are freely available and can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the following links.

Armourers Reports

1. Mossberg 402 Palermino

2. Mossberg 42MB

3. Mossberg 351KA

4. Winchester Collection

5. Stevens & Weaver

6. Walther KKJ

7. Original Browning T-Bolt

8. Restoring a Marlin 883

9. How to choose a tactical Remington 700

This website has a limited file size and with the decision to focus on classic rifles we remove some of our older or less popular Armourers reports to accommodate new notes and to maintain the file size. The Armourers reports shown below have been removed from the site but can be obtained by emailing me at the following address and requesting the specific notes you require.        www.thamesvalleyguns.co.uk

10. Selecting a rifle in .22 Hornet

11. Reloading the .22 Hornet

12. Weihrauch HW60J

13. Marlin XT-17 VLB Rifle

14. Anschutz 1517 Rifle

15. Anschutz 1417G Rifle

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